Ocala Dog Ranch
          Ocala Dog Ranch

Service Policies

General Terms and Conditions


  • Payment in full is due at the time of all service reservations. Reservations are not held until payment in full is received by the Ocala Dog Ranch business Owner.
  • There will be a 35.00 service charge for each returned check.
  • A holiday surcharge is applied to specific public holidays.  Please refer to Ocala Dog Ranch for specific dates based on their location. They may include the following
    • Christmas, New Year’s, Thanksgiving, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Easter.
  • Payment & Cancellation Policy
  • Payment is required with a signed agreement after the complimentary consultation visit and prior to rendering services. Our cancellation fee structure is as follows: 
  • – A full refund will be provided if cancellation is received at least 8 days prior to scheduled service.
  • – 20% cancellation fee will apply if cancellation is received within 2-7 days of scheduled services.
  • – 100% cancellation fee will apply if cancellation is received within 48 hours of a scheduled service.
  • – 100% cancellation fee will apply if cancellation is received within 7 days of a national holiday.
  • Services that are sold as packages are pre-paid to enable us to discount these packages. Packages do not allow for refunds or cancellations. All packages must be used within 6 months.
  • Reservations are made to guarantee and secure a Pet Care Technician for our clients, therefore, we are unable to provide refunds for clients returning home early.
  • Future Services: By entering into this contract, the client authorizes this contract to be valid approval for services so as to permit Ocala Dog Ranch to accept all future telephone, online, mail or email reservations and enter client’s home without additional signed contracts or written authorizations.
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch reserves the right to terminate this contract at any time if the Pet Care Technician, in his/her sole discretion determines that the owner’s pet poses a danger to its own health or safety, other pets, other people, or the Pet Care Technician. If concerns prohibit the Pet Care Technician from caring for the pet, the owner authorizes the pet to be placed in a kennel (or previously arranged locale), with all charges (including but not limited to transportation, kenneling, tranquilizing, treating, accessing, and liability) to be the responsibility of the pet owner.
  • Ocala Dog Ranch and their employees agree to provide services stated in this agreement in a reliable and trustworthy manner. In consideration of these services and as an express condition thereof, the client expressly waives any and all claims against The Ocala Dog Ranch, or its employees including claims arising from negligence. The client also agrees to indemnify and hold harmless The Ocala Dog Ranch, its employees or instructors against any and all claims or actions that may at any time be made or instituted against them by any person for the purpose of enforcing any cause of action growing out of or connected with my pet’s service with Ocala Dog Ranch.
  • All Ocala Dog Smith services require that your pets are up to date on their vaccinations according to local and state requirements and based on the recommendation of your veterinarian.  This includes negative fecal tests. 
  • Client agrees to notify the Ocala Dog Ranch of any concerns within 24 hours of their return.
  • This agreement is valid from the date signed, and replaces any prior Legal Considerations or Agreements. The client agrees to any future Ocala Dog Rach term changes relayed in writing to the client, mailed or emailed or posted on our website under the heading ‘Terms.’
  • The owner states that he/she has read this agreement in its entirety and fully understands and accepts its terms and conditions.
  • Ocala Dog Rach considers communications with their clients privileged.
  • Photographs, videotape or digital recordings are taken of Ocala Dog Ranch clients, customers and staff on a regular basis for, among other things, use in advertising by the Ocala Dog Ranch. I acknowledge that all such images (electronic, negatives and positives), together with prints and the copyrights therein, are the property of Ocala Dog Ranch. I give Ocala Dog Ranch and persons authorized by Ocala Dog Ranch my consent, permission and authorization, without compensation to me, to use, reproduce and alter the images, in print or electronic format (including on the internet), either alone or in combination with other images, text and graphics. I waive my right to approve the finished photograph, advertising copy, print material or electronic files that may be used in conjunction with the images. I represent that I am at least 18 years of age and acknowledge that the rights granted in this paragraph are irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual, and are binding on my heirs, successors and assigns.

What follows are the Terms & Conditions for individual Ocala Dog Ranch services as addendum’s to our General Service Policy above.


2. In Home Pet Care Policy

  • All pets must be current on their Rabies vaccination and other core vaccines
  • Ocala Dog Ranch is not responsible for wilted, dead or otherwise unhealthy plants. Ocala Dog Ranch will endeavor to follow your written directions as precisely as possible, but cannot be responsible if the results are not favorable. Please place all indoor plants together on a waterproof surface in plain sight, as your Pet Care Technician is not responsible for water damaged areas or missed plants.
  • Ocala Dog Ranch is not responsible for damage to the home beyond the control of the Pet Care Technician. This includes, but is not limited to water leaks, electrical problems, and acts of nature. In these situations, the company will contact your designated emergency contact. All repairs and related fees will be paid by the client, or fully reimbursed to Ocala Dog Ranch within 7 days.
  • Ocala Dog Ranch is not responsible for any damage to the client’s property, unless such damage is caused by the negligent act of the Pet Care Technician. The Ocala Dog Ranch agrees to remain fully insured and bonded.
  • Ocala Dog Ranch accepts no responsibility for security of the premises or loss if other individuals have access to a client’s home, or if the home is not properly secured on the client’s departure.


3. Ocala Dog Ranch Slumber Party Policy

Ocala Dog Ranch Terms & Conditions

For the purposes of this document, the terms Client, Owner, Pet Owner, and Customer are synonymous with the person contracting services for one or more domestic animals.

  • A signed Service Request must be provided to your Ocala Dog Ranch Technician before service is provided for any period.
  • Payment in full is due at time of reservation. Reservations are not held until payment in full is received by The Ocala Dog Ranch or special arrangements are agreed upon by both parties in writing.
  • There will be a $35.00 service charge for each returned check.
  • Unpaid service may be cancelled without notice, including prior to or during the service period.
  • Cancellation Charge Schedule effective 1/19/2017. Please see our general service policy.
  • Reservations are made to plan Ocala Dog Ranch Technician availability to clients. Therefore, clients returning home early will be required to pay for the reserved period scheduled
  • Future Services: By entering in to this contract the Client authorizes this contract to be valid approval for services so as to permit The Ocala Dog Ranch to accept all future telephone, online, mail or email reservations and enter my home without additional signed contracts or written authorizations.
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch reserves the right to terminate this contract at any time if the Ocala Dog Ranch Pet Technician, in his/her sole discretion determines that the owner’s pet poses a danger to the health or safety of itself, other pets, other people, or the Ocala Dog Ranch Pet Technician. If concerns prohibit the Ocala Dog Ranch Pet Technician from caring for the pet, the owner authorizes the pet to be placed in a kennel (or previously arranged locale), with all charges (including but not limited to transportation, kenneling, tranquilizing, treating, accessing, and liability) to be the responsibility of the owner.
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch  agrees to provide services stated in this agreement in a reliable, caring and trustworthy manner. In consideration of the services as an express condition thereof, the client expressly waives and relinquishes any and all claims against the company and its employees.  
  • If your pet is not picked up by you, or we are not notified within 2 days after agreed scheduled pick up date, The Ocala Dog Ranch will consider the pet abandoned and make the necessary arrangements to re-home the animal as it deems appropriate and in accordance with local laws.
  • All dogs must be current with DHLPP, Rabies, Bordetella and heartworm treatment. Written vaccination records are required at the time of service. Please also provide documentation to confirm an annual fecal test showing negative results for you pet.
  • Dogs must be wearing nylon collars with their rabies tag, name and home telephone number attached. A nylon leash must be provided with the dog to the Ocala Dog Ranch Technician.
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch Pet Technician will provide food, bowls, and bedding; however, if you decide to provide your own, the Ocala Dog Ranch Pet Technician is not responsible for those items. Please label all items, including medications, with pet’s name.
  • All pets must be treated with a flea, tick and heart-worm preventative. If fleas are found on a pet, a flea bath will be given at the owner’s expense. The price will be determined by the Ocala Dog Ranch and in line with current market pricing.
  • Ocala Dog Ranch Pet Technicians will not administer sedatives to your pet – even if they are veterinarian prescribed. If your pet needs this type of medication you need to make arrangements for your pet to be hospitalized with your veterinarian.
  • Ocala Dog Ranch Pet Technicians do not diagnose, or make therapy decisions. Any veterinary/medical concerns will be referred to a veterinarian.
  • Client agrees to notify The Ocala Dog Ranch of any concerns within 24 hours of return.
  • This agreement is valid from the date signed, and replaces any prior Legal Considerations agreements. Client agrees to any future Ocala Dog Ranch term changes relayed verbally to the client, mailed or emailed in writing to the client, or posted on our website under the heading ‘Terms.’
  • In consideration for client’s pet being accepted for private boarding (slumber party) with the Ocala Dog Ranch Technician client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless The Ocala Dog Ranch, its employees or independent contractors against any and all claims or actions that may at any time be made or instituted against them by any person for the purpose of enforcing any cause of action growing out of or connected with client’s dog’s attendance at the the Ocala Dog Ranch Technician’s home. The employees or independent contractors of The Ocala Dog Ranch  agree to provide services stated in this contract in a reliable and trustworthy manner. In consideration of these services and as an express condition thereof, the client expressly waives any and all claims against The Ocala Dog Ranch, its employees or independent contractors including claims arising from negligence.
  • The owner states that he/she has read this agreement in its entirety and fully understands and accepts its terms and conditions.


4. Private Training Agreement

The Ocala Dog Ranch® Client Informed Consent Statement

  • A Ocala Dog Ranch recognizes that the owner is responsible for their dog and the owner has the right to make decisions about the professional treatment of their dog.
  • As a Ocala Dog Ranch, we will always hold the dog’s welfare as our top priority. The dog is the vulnerable component in the consultation process as they cannot offer informed consent. The role of a Ocala Dog Ranch is one that is beneficial to the dog and never to its detriment.
  • We seek to do no harm. A Ocala Dog Ranch will not condone or endorse any treatment by a dog’s owner that is physically or mentally cruel. We will opt out of a consulting agreement rather than attempt to manage an unethical course of action.
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch will only consult with clients that offer cases that the independently owned and operated Ocala Dog Ranch business has the professional competence to deal with.
  • A Ocala Dog Ranch will only use procedures, protocols and training tools that are empirically based and have a proven track record of effectiveness. The Ocala Dog Ranch uses training and behavior change methods that are minimally invasive and intrusive to the animal.
  • A Ocala Dog Ranch trainer considers communications with their clients privileged. We will only break that confidentiality if a dog is being abused (as legally defined) and the client cannot be dissuaded from using their current approach. We will act according to local and state laws in terms of reporting animal cruelty.
  • As a Ocala Dog Ranch, we will apply the following ethical principles to each situation we encounter: respect for the freedom and dignity of others, do not cause harm, do good, act fairly and be faithful to promises made to the client.
  • In consideration for being accepted for training with the local Ocala Dog Ranch Franchise, a locally owned and operated Dog Training, Dog Walking & Pet Care business, the client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless The Ocala Dog Ranch, its employees or instructors against any and all claims or actions that may at any time be made or instituted against them by any person for the purpose of enforcing any cause of action growing out of or connected with my attendance or my dog’s attendance at a private or group training session conducted by The Ocala Dog Ranch.
  • Ocala Dog Ranchs and their employees agree to provide services stated in this agreement in a reliable and trustworthy manner. In consideration of these services and as an express condition thereof, the client expressly waives any and all claims against The Ocala Dog Ranch, or its employees including claims arising from negligence.
  • All dogs must be current with Rabies and in compliance with local and state vaccination requirements.
  • Payments for lessons are non-refundable; however credit may be given against another private lesson or other courses at the discretion of your local Ocala Dog Ranch.

    To contact your local Ocala Dog Ranch call 



5. Group Class Training Policy 

The Ocala Dog Ranch® Client, Informed Consent Statement

  • As a Ocala Dog Ranch, we will always hold the dog’s welfare as our top priority. The dog is the vulnerable component in the consultation process as they cannot offer informed consent. The role of a Ocala Dog Ranch is one that is beneficial to the dog and never to its detriment.
  • We seek to do no harm. A Ocala Dog Ranch will not condone or endorse any treatment by a dog’s owner that is physically or mentally cruel. We will opt out of a consulting agreement rather than attempt to manage an unethical course of action.
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch will only consult with clients that offer cases that the independently owned and operated Ocala Dog Ranch business has the professional competence to deal with.
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch will only use procedures, protocols and training tools that are empirically based and have a proven track record of effectiveness. The Ocala Dog Ranch uses training and behavior change methods that are minimally invasive and intrusive to the animal.
  • A Ocala Dog Ranch trainer considers communications with their clients privileged. We will only break that confidentiality if a dog is being abused (as legally defined) and the client cannot be dissuaded from using their current approach. We will act according to local and state laws in terms of reporting animal cruelty.
  • A Ocala Dog Ranch recognizes that the owner is responsible for their dog and the owner has the right to make decisions about the professional treatment of their dog.
  • As a Ocala Dog Ranch, we will apply the following ethical principles to each situation we encounter: respect for the freedom and dignity of others, do not cause harm, do good, act fairly and be faithful to promises made to the client.
  • In consideration for being accepted for training with the local Ocala Dog Ranch, a locally owned and operated Dog Training, Dog Walking & Pet Care business, the client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless The Ocala Dog Ranch, its employees or instructors against any and all claims or actions that may at any time be made or instituted against them by any person for the purpose of enforcing any cause of action growing out of or connected with my attendance or my dog’s attendance at a private or group training session conducted by The Ocala Dog Ranch at any property.
  • Ocala Dog Ranchs and their employees agree to provide services stated in this agreement in a reliable and trustworthy manner. In consideration of these services and as an express condition thereof, the client expressly waives any and all claims against The Ocala Dog Ranch, or its employees including claims arising from negligence.
  • Payments for lessons are non-refundable; however credit may be given against another group lesson or other courses at the discretion of your local Ocala Dog Ranch.
  • If any group classes are postponed due to inclement weather they will be made up.
  • Aggressive dogs are prohibited from all Group courses. The definition of an aggressive dog is any dog that shows an inappropriate challenge, threat or contest to another being (human or canine). Before applying for a group class, please consult your local Ocala Dog Ranch if your dog has ever exhibited aggression. Persons asked to leave a class because of their dog’s aggressive behavior, will not receive a refund for any remaining classes. However, a pro rata credit may be applied for private sessions. Aggressive dogs can attend and participate in The Ocala Dog Ranch one-on-one training classes.
  • Please bring your dog to group class on a properly fitted flat-buckle collar, harness, head-halter, or martingale collar, attached to a six foot leash. Please do not bring your dog on a  flex-lead, prong collar, choke collar, spray collar, electric collar, electric waist-band, or pinch harness. If you need advice on how to safely control your dog without one of these tools then please contact your Ocala Dog Ranch who can review your equipment options.
  • All dogs must be current with DHLPP, Rabies, Bordetella and heartworm treatment. Written vaccination records are required at the time of service. You are also required to provide confirmation that you dog has had a fecal test performed in the last 12 months by your Veterinarian and the results were negative. 


6. Ocala Dog Ranch Board and Train Policy

Ocala Dog Ranch Terms & Conditions

For the purposes of this document, the terms Client, Owner, Pet Owner, and Customer are synonymous with the person contracting services for one or more domestic animals.

  • A signed Service Request must be provided to your Ocala Dog Ranch before training services can be provided. .
  • Payment in full is due at time of reservation. Reservations are not held until payment in full is received by The Ocala Dog Ranch Franchise or special arrangements are agreed upon by both parties in writing.
  • There will be a $35.00 service charge for each returned check.
  • Unpaid service may be cancelled without notice, including prior to or during the service period.
  • Cancellation Charge Schedule effective 1/19/2013. Please see our general service policy.
  • Reservations are made to plan The Ocala Dog Ranch Trainer availability to clients. Therefore, clients removing their dog from a Board and Train reservation early will be required to pay for the reserved period scheduled
  • Future Services: The client authorizes this contract to be valid approval for services so as to permit Ocala Dog Ranch to accept all future telephone, online, mail or email reservations and enter my home without additional signed contracts or written authorizations.
  • Ocala Dog Ranch reserves the right to terminate this contract at any time if the Ocala Dog Ranch Pet Technician, in his/her sole discretion determines that owner’s pet poses a danger to the health or safety of itself, other pets or other people. If concerns prohibit the Ocala Dog Ranch from caring for the pet, the owner authorizes the pet to be placed in a kennel (or previously arranged locale), with all charges (including but not limited to transportation, kenneling, tranquilizing, treating, accessing, and liability) to be the responsibility of the owner.
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch Franchise agrees to provide services stated in this agreement in a reliable, caring and trustworthy manner. In consideration of the services as an express condition thereof, the client expressly waives and relinquishes any and all claims against the company and its employees, except those arising from negligence.
  • If client’s pet is not picked up by client, or we are not notified, within 2 days after agreed scheduled pick up date, The Ocala Dog Ranch will consider the pet abandoned and make the necessary arrangements to re-home the animal as it deems appropriate and in accordance with local laws.
  • All dogs must be current with DHLPP, Rabies, Bordetella and heartworm treatment. Written vaccination records are required at the time of service.  You are also required to provide confirmation that you dog has had a fecal test performed in the last 12 months by your Veterinarian and the results were negative.
  • Dogs must be wearing nylon collars with their rabies tag, name and home telephone number attached. A nylon leash must be provided with the dog to the Ocala Dog Ranch..
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch will provide food, bowls, and bedding; however, if client decides to provide some or all of these items, the Ocala Dog Ranch is not responsible for those items. Please label all items, including medications, with pet’s name.
  • All pets must be treated with a flea, tick and heartworm preventative. If fleas are found on a pet, a flea bath will be given at the owner’s expense. The price will be determined by the Ocala Dog Ranch and in line with current market pricing.
  • Ocala Dog Ranchs will not administer sedatives to pets unless the dog is enrolled into a behavior change program and it has been agreed in writing between the Ocala Dog Ranch and the pet’s owner that the medications are required as part of this program and have been veterinarian prescribed.
  • Ocala Dog Ranch Pet Technicians do not diagnose, or make therapy decisions. Any veterinary/medical concerns will be referred to a veterinarian.
  • Client agrees to notify The Ocala Dog Ranch of any concerns within 24 hours of return.
  • This agreement is valid from the date signed, and replaces any prior Legal Considerations agreements. Client agrees to any future Ocala Dog Ranch term changes relayed verbally to the client, mailed or emailed in writing to the client, or posted on our website under the heading ‘Terms.’
  • In consideration for pet being accepted for a Board and Train program with The Ocala Dog Ranch client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Ocala Dog Ranch, its employees or independent contractors against any and all claims or actions that may at any time be made or instituted against them by any person for the purpose of enforcing any cause of action growing out of or connected with client’s dog’s attendance at the Ocala Dog Ranch Training location. The employees of Ocala Dog Ranch Franchise agree to provide services stated in this contract in a reliable and trustworthy manner. In consideration of these services and as an express condition thereof, the client expressly waives any and all claims against Ocala Dog Ranch, its employees or independent contractors including claims arising from negligence.
  • The owner states that he/she has read this agreement in its entirety and fully understands and accepts its terms and conditions. This agreement is signed in conjunction with the private training agreement.


7. Ocala Dog Ranch Boutique Boarding Policy

The Ocala Dog Ranch Boutique boarding rate includes a premium dog food, a soft doggie bed, an evening turn-down treat and lots of toys to play with to complement the tender loving care we offer through five supervised play sessions during the day. The Ocala Dog Ranch boarding application is considered accepted when you have received a boarding reservation confirmation from The Ocala Dog Ranch in writing. The Ocala Dog Ranch interviews all potential boarders at The Ocala Dog Ranch property prior to being accepted for Ocala Dog Ranch Boutique Boarding. This agreement constitutes permission to board the said animals and perform duties as stated. Any changes to this agreement must be done so in writing or they will be null and void. The Ocala Dog Ranch has the right to make any changes to this agreement at will and without notice. With any changes, a new agreement will be presented before any new services are rendered. The client hereto agrees as follows: In consideration for my dogs being accepted for boarding with The Ocala Dog Ranch I agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Ocala Dog Ranch, its employees or instructors against any and all claims or actions that may at any time be made or instituted against them by any person for the purpose of enforcing any cause of action growing out of or connected with my attendance or my dog’s attendance at the Ocala Dog Ranch Boutique Boarding Facility. The Ocala Dog Ranch and its employees agree to provide services stated in this contract in a reliable and trustworthy manner. In consideration of these services and as an express condition thereof, the client expressly waives any and all claims against The Ocala Dog Ranch or its employees including claims arising from negligence.

  • Any claim arising out of or relating to this contract or the breach thereof shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.
  • All pets must have a veterinarian and must be current with DHLPP, Rabies and Bordetella vaccinations. Please bring vaccination record with you before or during admission or pet(s) will not be admitted.
  • All pets must be treated with a flea, tick and heartworm preventative. If fleas are found on pet, a flea bath will be given at owner’s expense.
  • We will not administer sedatives to your pet — regardless if they are veterinarian prescribed. If your pet needs this type of medication you need to make arrangements for your pet to be hospitalized with your veterinarian.
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch does not diagnose, or make therapy decisions nor does it offer veterinary services. Any veterinary/medical concerns will be referred to a veterinarian.
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch will not care for acutely ill animals or those with uncontrolled medical conditions. Certain medical conditions may also be referred to a veterinarian for boarding. Pets infected with ringworm will not be admitted since they are highly contagious diseases.
  • Any known behavioral and/or aggression problems must be communicated to the college.
  • The Client is solely responsible for any harm caused by their pet to any employees, other pets/owners, or property.
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch does provide food, bowls, and bedding; however, if you decide to provide your own, The Ocala Dog Ranch is not responsible for those items. Please label all items including medications with pet’s name
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch does not accept aggressive animals.
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch will not walk unruly or untrained dogs or dogs that choke themselves on their leash. All dogs must be accompanied by a leash or they will not be admitted. The Ocala Dog Ranch reserves the right to take pet(s) to vet if necessary. Client is responsible for all charges.
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch reserves the right to deny service or terminate service because of safety concerns, financial concerns, or inappropriate or uncomfortable situations.
  • If your pet is not picked up, or we are not notified, within 2 days after agreed scheduled pick up date, The Ocala Dog Ranch will consider the pet abandoned and make the necessary arrangements to re-home the animal as it deems
  • All dogs must be current with DHLPP, Rabies, Bordetella and heartworm treatment. Written vaccination records are required at the time of service. You are also required to provide confirmation that you dog has had a fecal test performed in the last 12 months by your Veterinarian and the results were negative. 

8.The Ocala Dog Ranch Dog Day Care Policy
To ensure the safety and health of all animals, customers and staff at The Ocala Dog Ranch Day Care facilities, we require all clients to comply with the following Rules and Regulations:
Health & Wellness


  • All dogs must have up-to-date vaccinations. Owners must submit written verification that their dogs have current DHPP, Rabies and Kennel Cough vaccinations. Specifically the vaccines required are Distemper, Hepatitis, and Parainfluenza, Parvovirus, Rabies and 6 monthly Bordetella vaccinations.  .  You are also required to provide confirmation that you dog has had a fecal test performed in the last 12 months by your Veterinarian and the results were negative
  • All dogs must be in good health. Owners will need to certify that their dogs are in good health and have been free from any condition that could potentially jeopardize other canine guests or human staff.
  • Dogs that have been ill with a communicable condition in the last 30 days will require a veterinarian certification of health to be admitted or readmitted to day care.
  • If, at any time during day care, a dog is noticed to have fleas or ticks, treatment will be applied and charged to the pet’s owner. All dogs will be examined for signs of fleas and ticks at check in and will not be admitted to day care if fleas or signs of fleas or ticks are noticed. We highly recommend a flea and parasite preventative, excluding flea/tick collars.
  • Personal Items
  • All pet food brought to The Ocala Dog Ranch Dog Day Care facility must be stored in an airtight/rodent proof container. Plastic baggies or opened dog food bags are not acceptable.
  • Canine Safety
  • All dogs must pass The Ocala Dog Ranch Proprietary Behavioral Assessment for enrollment in our program. All dogs must be non-aggressive and not food or toy protective. Owners will need to certify that their dog(s) have not harmed or shown any aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person or any other dog(s).
  • Please remember that your pet will be spending time with other pets and their safety and health is our main priority. Keep in mind, although it is supervised play, your dog still might acquire an occasional nip or scratch.
  • Any age dog or puppy is allowed at The Ocala Dog Ranch Dog Day Care facility as long as the dog or puppy meets the day care criteria. Puppies may begin a Dog Day Care program before they receive their Rabies vaccine and before they are spayed or neutered, as long as both will be taken care of by 6 months of age.
  • All dogs must be wearing a quick release collar or a body harness on arrival. No choke collars. Please note that dogs in daycare are naked, they do not wear collars as this can be a hazard to themselves and other dogs.
  • Documentation
  • All dogs must have a complete, up-to-date and approved enrollment form on file and commit to one-day/week minimum program participation. If this weekly commitment is not met, your dog may be required to undergo a reassessment of their behavior and fees may apply.
  • If your dog has been out of day care for two months or longer a reassessment is required.
  • Dues are payable at the end of each day.
  • Discounted packages are provided only if they are paid in advance.
  • Pre-paid packages are non-refundable.
  • Dog Day Care Hours of Operation
  • Hours of operation vary by location. Please contact Ocala Dog Ranch for Day Care days and times.
  • Check our website for drop off and pick up 
  • Late pick up fees of  $10 will apply for dogs picked up after 6pm. If you are going to be late please call to let us know.  Any dog not picked up before 7pm will be moved over to boarding and can be picked up the following day.  Normal boarding fees will apply.
  • Reservations and Cancellations 
  • Cancellations not made by 6:30 PM, at least one business day prior to the scheduled day care day will be charged full fees and invoiced to the owner.


  • Miscellaneous
    Photographs, videotape or digital recordings are taken of The Ocala Dog Ranch clients, customers and staff on a regular basis for, among other things, use in advertising Pampered Paws. Please review and approve the following statement: I acknowledge that all such images (electronic, negatives and positives), together with prints and the copyrights therein, are the property of Ocala Dog Ranch/Pampered Paws. I give Ocala Dog Ranch and persons authorized by Ocala Dog Ranch my consent, permission and authorization, without compensation to me, to use, reproduce and alter the images, in print or electronic format (including on the internet), either alone or in combination with other images, text and graphics. I waive my right to approve the finished photograph, advertising copy, print material or electronic files that may be used in conjunction with the images. I represent that I am at least 18 years of age and acknowledge that the rights granted in this paragraph are irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual, and are binding on my heirs, successors and assigns.
    Rules and Regulations are subject to change at any time without notification.

  • All other individuals that visit the home will leave a log of their visit so the Pet Care Technician can note their activity.
  • Ocala Dog Ranch is not liable for any loss or damage in the event of a burglary or other crime that could occur while the home is under this contract. The pet owner agrees to secure their home prior to leaving the premises. Ocala Dog Ranch will re-secure the home to the best of its ability at the end of each visit. While keys are in the possession of a Pet Care Technician, they will either be on the Pet Care Technician’s physical person, or be properly stored at an undisclosed location.
  • The pet owner must have the legal rights to place the animals in the care of a Ocala Dog Ranch Technician.
  • The Pet Care Technician cannot service a home with “visiting” pets or animals that do not belong to the resident of the service site without the necessary signed agreements by the rightful owner(s).
  • The terms of this document apply to all the pets owned by the client, including any and all new pets that the customer obtains on or after the date this document was signed, at any and all locations the owner designates for service.
  • The pet owner is responsible for pet-proofing the house and yard, and the security of the fencing, gates and latches.
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch will not be responsible for the safety of any pets and will not be liable for the injury, disappearance, death, or fines of any pet with unsupervised access to the outdoors.
  • The Ocala Dog Ranch is authorized to seek any emergency veterinarian assistance needed during this agreement at the cost of the client, from any veterinarian, as chosen by the Pet Care Technician. However, the Ocala Dog Ranch is not responsible for the health/well being of the animal.
  • The pet owner is responsible for supplying the necessary safety equipment, supplies and crates needed for the care of their pet(s), including but not limited to a sturdy, well-fitting harness, halter, collar, etc. for walks or in the case of emergencies, firmly affixed vaccination tags, a lead rope or leash, pooper-scoopers, litter boxes, food, cleaning supplies, medicines, pet food, and cat litter.
  • The pet owner authorizes any purchases necessary for the satisfactory performance of pet care duties. The pet owner agrees to be responsible for the payment of such items, as well as service fees for obtaining these items and will reimburse The Ocala Dog Ranch within 7 days for all purchases made.
  • The pet owner will be responsible for all medical expenses and damages resulting from an injury to a Pet Care Technician, or other persons, by the pet. The customer agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend The Ocala Dog Ranch, in the event of a claim by any person injured by their pet.
  • It is suggested that arrangements be made with someone to evacuate your pets in case of a disaster or weather related event/crisis/”Code Red”. The Ocala Dog Ranch will make every reasonable effort to see to your pet’s safety/care should such events occur, but cannot guarantee it.

Contact Details

Please call  352-575-1069or use our contact form on the Contact Us page.

Ocala Dog Ranch

440 SW 110 Ave

Ocala, FL 34481

We are WEST of I-75


Upcoming Events 

Obedience Workshop

March Date TBA


Snake Avoidance Training

March Date TBA


Agility Classes

Intro to Agility

2/18/25 4pm

Sign up Here.


Agility Foundations

Foundations 1

2/18/25 5pm

Sign up Here 


Obedience class

Beginner Obedience

To be announced

at the Downtown Market


Sign up Here.


Barn Hunt

Beginner class

Weekend class:

2/8/25 - 2/9/25

More info Here






February Learn & Play

2/22/25 9am - 12pm

Register Here


Updog tournament:

2/22/25 1pm

Register Here



Dock Jumping



For more info: Here



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